Image illustrative de Memphis Beat
Image illustrative de Memphis Beat

Memphis Beat

Memphis, a place so rich in history and culture requires a special kind of police officer to keep it safe. That's why Dwight Hendricks (Jason Lee) is the perfect man to protect the city he holds so dear. This Elvis-loving cop knows the ins and outs of Memphis better than anyone and safeguards his musical mecca with a ...

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Terminée Américaine 45 minutes
Policier, Comedy, Crime, Drama TNT, TNT (US) 2010

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 1.10 - I Want to Be Free

I Want to Be Free

A man with amnesia turns up with a bullet wound in the middle of a seedy section of Memphis, leading Dwight to believe he may be connected to a three-year-old unsolved case involving the beating death of a little girl. Lt. Rice, facing financial difficulties after her ex-husband steals a large sum of cash, contemplates a career change.

Diffusion originale : 24 août 2010

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Diffusion française : 24 août 2010
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : John Fortenberry
Scénariste.s : Joshua Harto , Liz Garcia
Guest.s :

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